Even now, people are talking about me. Since I was so naughty when I was little, they made a cartoon about me. It is pretty accurate. I always used to love to steal milk and butter from the milk maids. It is so delicious. I was also hunted by my uncles assassins, but even then they could not hurt me. Unfortunately someone has tied me to things that really should not have anything to do with me. The book Neither Cargo Nor Cult: Ritual Politics and the Colonial Imagination in Fiji by Martha Kaplan says " In the early 1980s Mr. Samalia created a stir by taking out newspaper advertisements claiming that Hitler, Krishna, and Navosavakadua are all avatars of god and will found a new kingdom in Fiji. " This does not make much sense to me. Why should I make a kingdom in Fiji and how am I like Hitler?

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